Land Brokers Real Estate
Address: 609 E. SH 71 Business, La Grange, Texas 78945   Phone: (979) 968-3106
Email: [email protected]

TBD Ehler-Grasshoff Road

$ 1,500,000

Located Between Schulenburg and Flatonia in the Freyburg area this 111+/- acre tract has frontage on two county roads. The topography is gently rolling with about 50' +/- of elevation change which provides scenic views of the area. The property has multiple ponds and a wet weather creek that meanders through the property. There are multiple cross fences creating several different pastures for rotational grazing. There is a nearly 100-year-old home on the property that could be restored. Multiple barns and cattle pens are in place for all your ag needs. Additional acreage maybe available!

Tax Id No.: R42242
Taxes: (This property qualifies for an ag exemption.)
School District: Schulenburg ISD
Legal Description: 111 +/- out of, ABS A062 KNIGHT F LG,218.77 ACRES,(2) HSES, FARM BLDGS

From I-10 in Flatonia take FM 609 to Ehler-Grassoff Rd. and turn Right. Go about 3.8 miles and the entry to the property will be on the left in a 90-degree turn.

Address: TBD Ehler-Grasshoff Road, Schulenburg, TX
Categories: Residential, Acreage
Type: For sale

Base Information

Bed: 3
Bath: 2

Building Information

House Construction: Wood
Roof: Metal
Flooring: 1752
Number of Floors: 2

Land Information

Total acres: 111 Acres